How Much Does Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost Without Insurance?


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How Much Does Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost Without Insurance

Have you been feeling some pain in your wisdom teeth lately? Uh oh!

You know what that might mean – it’s time to get those teeth removed. But here’s the problem: you don’t have dental insurance. 

How can you manage the cost of having your wisdom teeth extracted while struggling to meet rent payments? There is no need to feel overwhelmed at this point.

Wisdom tooth removal cost without insurance doesn’t have to drain your entire bank account. This article will break down the average wisdom tooth extraction cost without insurance so you know what to expect. We’ll also give you some money-saving tips to help you get through this without going totally broke.

Factors That Influence Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost Without Insurance

When you’re thinking about wisdom tooth removal cost without insurance, several things can affect how much it will cost. These include how hard it is to remove your teeth, what kind of medicine you need to stay comfortable, and where you have the procedure done.

Complexity of Procedure

The overall cost is highly determined by the level of complexity of your wisdom tooth removal process. The cost of simple extractions of fully erupted teeth can most of the time be quite low.

But, when the wisdom teeth are impacted, partially erupted, or involve the removal of bone, then the procedure is complex and therefore costly.

Completely impacted teeth, where the tooth is covered by bone and gums, are the most complex and costly to extract.

Number of Wisdom Teeth

The more wisdom teeth you need to be removed, the higher the total cost will be.

Having all four wisdom teeth extracted at once, while convenient, will likely cost more than removing just one or two problematic teeth.

Some dentists may offer package deals for removing multiple wisdom teeth in one procedure.

Type of Extraction

The type of extraction also affects the price. A simple extraction, where the dentist removes the tooth in one piece, is typically the most affordable option. However, if the dentist needs to cut the tooth and remove it in sections, the cost will increase.

Similarly, if the dentist must remove tissue or bone to access the tooth, the overall price will rise. In some cases, the procedure may require stitches or drains, further adding to the total cost.


The dentist’s recommendation for sedation or general anesthesia during the extraction also impacts the cost. Local anesthesia, where only the area around the extraction is numbed, is usually included in the base price. 

Oral sedation (like nitrous oxide), IV sedation, or general anesthesia will increase the overall cost, often significantly. The fee for an anesthesiologist and recovery time will also need to be factored into the total price.

Average Cost Ranges for Wisdom Tooth Extractions by Type

So, you need your wisdom teeth out but don’t have dental insurance. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people pay out of pocket for wisdom tooth removal.

The good news is, the cost may be lower than you expect.

Simple Extractions ($200-$700 per tooth)

If your wisdom teeth are fully erupted and not impacted, a simple extraction may be all you need. This quick procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes and recovery is fairly easy. You’ll pay on the lower end of the range, around $200 to $500 per tooth.

Surgical Extractions ($225-$1,100 per tooth)

For impacted wisdom teeth, surgical extraction is required. This is a more complex procedure, taking 1-2 hours, and recovery can take weeks.

You’ll pay $350 to $1,100 or more per tooth, depending on factors like your dentist’s experience, the complexity of your particular case, and where you live.

Without insurance, you’ll typically pay the total cost upfront or work out a payment plan with your dentist. Shop around at different dentists for the best overall value.

Seek multiple opinions on whether your wisdom teeth actually need removal and on the best extraction method for your unique situation.

While wisdom tooth removal isn’t cheap, avoiding it can lead to serious problems down the road like infections, cysts, and damage to adjacent teeth.

Consider it an investment in your long-term health and wellness. With some planning, you can get your wisdom teeth out affordably and without breaking the bank.

Tips to Reduce Your Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Reducing out-of-pocket expenses for medical and dental procedures can significantly ease financial stress. 

Find an In-Network Dentist

The easiest expense reduction method is to search for a dentist who belongs to your insurance plan. Dental plans have also negotiated for in-network dentists to accept to charge less for specific services like extraction of wisdom teeth.

You can consult your insurance provider and they will give you a list of in-network dentists who provide this service and are within your area. Call around to compare costs and find one you’re comfortable with.

Consider Dental Schools

Dental schools often offer lower procedure costs compared to private practices. Dental students perform the procedures under the supervision of licensed dentists, so you can feel confident you’ll receive quality care. 

Contact nearby dental schools to ask about their wisdom tooth removal costs and availability. The only downside is that appointments may take longer. But, the savings can be well worth it.

Ask About Payment Plans

If you cannot afford to pay the full amount at once, enquire whether your dentist accepts installment payments. Fortunately, most dentists are aware that removal of wisdom teeth is costly when not insured and are willing to work with patients on a payment schedule. 

They may let you pay a portion of the total bill upfront and then make monthly installments over 3 to 6 months until you pay the balance in full.

Look Into Dental Discount Plans

Dental discount plans are an affordable way of paying for dental services as compared to dental insurance.

For an annual membership fee, the cost of most dental treatments such as wisdom tooth removal is offered at discounted rates ranging from 10- 60%. The exact amount of the discount will vary depending on the plan and the dentist that you select.

Check out the plans of well-known insurance companies such as Aetna, Cigna, and Delta Dental so that you can choose an appropriate plan for yourself.

Following these tips can help greatly to reduce wisdom tooth removal cost without insurance. While it may still end up being expensive, you have options to make this important dental procedure more affordable and accessible. 

Don’t delay — get those wisdom teeth out as recommended by your dentist!

Payment Plans and Financing Options to Consider

If you don’t have dental insurance to help cover the cost of wisdom tooth removal, don’t worry — there are still options to make this procedure affordable. Many dental clinics offer in-house payment plans that allow you to pay for treatment over time with no interest charges. 

You’ll work with the finance department to establish a monthly payment plan that fits your budget. Some plans may require you to make a down payment and then make fixed monthly payments for 6-24 months until you pay the balance in full.

Dental Value Deals

Many dental practices provide ‘value plans’ with discounted prices for patients who do not have dental insurance.

It is a yearly membership and as a member, you get significant discounts on dental services, anything from 30% to 50% of what other patients have to pay. The exact discount will depend on the plan and coverage level you choose. 

These savings can add up for costly procedures like wisdom tooth extraction. The downside is that discount plans are not insurance — you must pay the full discounted amount out of pocket. But for some, the savings may be worth it.

CareCredit Financing

CareCredit is a popular third-party financing option accepted by over 200,000 healthcare providers in the U.S., including many dentists.

They offer special financing for dental procedures, including wisdom tooth removal. You can apply for a CareCredit credit card and if approved, use it to pay for your treatment. They offer deferred interest plans if paid in full within 6, 12, 18, or 24 months. If not paid in full, interest charges apply.

The benefit is you can get approved before your procedure and pay over time with fixed monthly payments.

Dental Teaching Hospitals

Dental teaching hospitals can also offer cheap wisdom tooth extractions and, therefore, should not be overlooked. Dental students at accredited schools require real patients to gain experience, and they are less expensive, often 40-60% less costly than private dentists. 

Experienced dentists supervise all work. Although the students are well trained, the process may take longer than expected. It’s a win-win—you get lower-cost care and the students get valuable experience.

By doing a quick search on the available options in your locality, you will be able to get a cheaper way to have your wisdom tooth extracted even with no insurance.

Consider other options like payment plans, discount plans, financing, and dental schools to make this important procedure more affordable. Don’t let cost concerns stop you from getting the dental care you need.

Just like getting dental implants, wisdom tooth removal cost without insurance can be pricey, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Shop around, ask for discounts, and see if you can find a dental school to perform the extraction at a reduced cost. 

Consider a payment plan if you need to spread the cost over time. While it’s an added expense you likely didn’t account for, taking care of your oral health now will save you pain, trouble, and probably money in the long run. 

The bottom line is that wisdom teeth removal is often necessary, so work out a reasonable price point and take care of it. Your future self with improved dental health will thank you.